Taking Advantage of Easy Loan Terms With FNMA Home Foreclosures
Taking Advantage of Easy Loan Terms With FNMA Home Foreclosures
FNMA home foreclosures or the properties offered by the Federal National Mortgage Association have been attracting a lot of buyers due to their low price and good payment terms. Also referred to as Fannie Mae foreclosures, these properties are primarily offered to owner-occupiers, meaning the buyer will also be the home occupant. These properties are especially advantageous for middle- to low-income families as it was designed for them in the first place.
The Buying Process
To qualify for FNMA home foreclosures you need to be pre-qualified for a home loan. Any bank or lending institution can issue a pre-approval letter after the applicant has provided sufficient documents signifying their ability to take out a loan or Proof of Funds. This is the only document needed to make an offer for foreclosure homes.
Slashing your offer for a home by 50 percent of its market value is not realistic and will be turned down by Fannie Mae. There are several things to consider before you can come up with a viable offer one of which is the average value of similar homes in the vicinity of the home you wish to buy.
When purchasing FNMA home foreclosures, you need to provide earnest money that will be held in trust until the conclusion of the sale and if you are buying in cash, you may be asked to peg your earnest money at 10 percent of the estimated purchase price.
Foreclosure contracts will most likely have per diem clauses which will require buyers to pay a certain amount of money for each day that the negotiations go beyond the scheduled closing date. Indeed, time is of the essence when it comes to purchasing foreclosures. You should convey this same sense of urgency to your mortgage lender. Ensure that the closing date you set is realistic in terms of the type of loan you are going to apply for. You can always consult a lawyer who deals in foreclosures in setting the closing date.
The Buying Process
To qualify for FNMA home foreclosures you need to be pre-qualified for a home loan. Any bank or lending institution can issue a pre-approval letter after the applicant has provided sufficient documents signifying their ability to take out a loan or Proof of Funds. This is the only document needed to make an offer for foreclosure homes.
Slashing your offer for a home by 50 percent of its market value is not realistic and will be turned down by Fannie Mae. There are several things to consider before you can come up with a viable offer one of which is the average value of similar homes in the vicinity of the home you wish to buy.
When purchasing FNMA home foreclosures, you need to provide earnest money that will be held in trust until the conclusion of the sale and if you are buying in cash, you may be asked to peg your earnest money at 10 percent of the estimated purchase price.
Foreclosure contracts will most likely have per diem clauses which will require buyers to pay a certain amount of money for each day that the negotiations go beyond the scheduled closing date. Indeed, time is of the essence when it comes to purchasing foreclosures. You should convey this same sense of urgency to your mortgage lender. Ensure that the closing date you set is realistic in terms of the type of loan you are going to apply for. You can always consult a lawyer who deals in foreclosures in setting the closing date.